Disdikbud Kab.Siak   |   23 September 2020
Penjelasan singkat

When we want to make delicious food, we need recipe because there are steps that can lead us in it. Recipe is an example of procedure text. When you buy a new TV or a new phone cell, there must be a book instruction in the box. Then, How to operate computer and When you want to download something from the internet.we need manual. It  is all of examples of procedure .there are steps before we do that. Those steps also procedure text. what is procedure text actually? Procedure text is a text that explains how people make or do something  step by step.  Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps. There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods. To know the text that we read is procedure or not is so simple. You can read the title if the title is started with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly that the text is procedure text